Treppides Regulatory
in 2016, as the financial technology (“FinTech”) arm
of K. Treppides & Co Ltd the leading financial
advisory firm in Eastern Europe.
With presence in the UK, Cyprus, Malta and Hong
Kong, our aim is to provide regulatory compliance
solutions to clients around the globe.
Our Services
Our one platform solution.

Dedicated Infrastructure
Our solution offers single
point connectivity,
reconciliation and control
minimizing the costs of
adhering to many different
reporting regimes
point connectivity,
reconciliation and control
minimizing the costs of
adhering to many different
reporting regimes

End-to-end EMIR compliance
Our service offers swift setup and reporting of all derivative transactions in accordance with the ESMA specifications under EMIR (positions, collateral and valuation) for all asset classes and with the Trade Repository of your choice.

Cost Effective solution
Truly supporting the One Platform One Solution
motto, our platform can reduce your reporting
costs and infrastructure requirements.
motto, our platform can reduce your reporting
costs and infrastructure requirements.

Multidisciplinary Approach
Our services offer a global reporting platform designed to be customized capturing all current and future reporting obligations, across regulatory and jurisdictional boundaries achieving complete regulatory compliance through a single solution.

Real-time reporting
Going beyond compliance we offer effective real-time reporting for EMIR, faster than T+1 as per the requirement similar to the practices enforced within the Dodd-Frank Act and other reporting standards.

Intuitive Dashboard
Track and monitor the status your EMIR reporting on a 24/7 basis, respond to feedback reports, search past submissions as well as export data from a single point of reference.

Supporting all reporting models
From single side to full delegation our platform is designed to be customized to the needs of the customer and its counterparties.

Auxiliary Services
Via Treppides Regulatory Reporting you can perform auditing, health checks and reconciliations to your existing reporting infrastructure.

Strategic partnerships
Via our strategic partnerships which include market data providers, trade repositories and integration experts we guarantee accurate and detailed reporting.
Treppides Regulatory
Treppides Tower, 9 Kafkasou Street, Aglantzia
CY 2112, Nicosia, Cyprus
P.O.Box 27142, CY 1642, Nicosia, Cyprus
Our Offices
With an already established presence in the EU regulatory scene we have the ability to offer a broad range of regulatory compliance services tailor made to our client needs.